Our Services

Whether you looking for large-scale custom software development, pro UI/UX design, or 24/7 server support, we have the team to meet your specific needs.

Web Applications
Web Applications
Mobile Applications
Mobile Applications
Business Platforms
Business Platforms
Ui/Ux Design
U/i/Ux Dessign
Software Support
Software Support

Web Applications

We create custom web applications as new systems, or as a backend to existing applications. We can build your application from scratch, or rebuild a previous application into a modern web-based system.

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Mobile Applications

We develop custom mobile apps as experts in both native and hybrid code for iOS and Android. Our senior-level mobile developers have created hundreds of mobile solutions for startups to large corporations.

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Business Platforms

Managing your business with a custom application allows you to store and track only the data that matters to your company. Our team will drill down on every detail of your business and build a custom system to your exact specifications.

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Ui/Ux Design

The first phase of any project with Essential Designs is the planning phase, and the User Experience and Interface design are often the most important part. We collaborate closely with you on designing the initial wireframes, and ultimately produce the final high-fidelity designs to be used in your application.

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Software Support

From hosting to maintenance to code support, we can custom-tailor a package that makes sense for your business or project, at a budget you can work with. Our senior-level engineers provide 24/7 emergency response support, and proactive support to help avoid any costly surprises or downtime.

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Interested? Get Started!

Looking to turn your software concepts into a reality? Connect with our specialized team today and let's make it happen!

Web Applications

All of the custom mobile app solutions we develop for our customers are written in native code. For all of our software development services, we assign a dedicated senior developer to ensure the highest code quality and to hit delivery deadlines.

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Mobile Applications

All of the custom mobile app solutions we develop for our customers are written in native code. For all of our software development services, we assign a dedicated senior developer to ensure the highest code quality and to hit delivery deadlines.

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Business Platforms

All of the custom mobile app solutions we develop for our customers are written in native code. For all of our software development services, we assign a dedicated senior developer to ensure the highest code quality and to hit delivery deadlines.

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Ui/Ux Design

All of the custom mobile app solutions we develop for our customers are written in native code. For all of our software development services, we assign a dedicated senior developer to ensure the highest code quality and to hit delivery deadlines.

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Software Support

All of the custom mobile app solutions we develop for our customers are written in native code. For all of our software development services, we assign a dedicated senior developer to ensure the highest code quality and to hit delivery deadlines.

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Interested? Get Started!

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Web Applications
Web Applications
Mobile Applications
Mobile Applications
Business Platforms
Business Platforms
Ui/Ux Design
Ui/Ux Design
Software Support
Software Support
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A grid background

The Essential Process



At the start of each project, we work with our customers to build a solid project plan. The initial Scope document can come from the client or a combined process of phone calls and in-person meetings.



Once the project plan and scope have been finalized, our wireframing team takes over to determine the placement of all objects on each page of the application, whether it is a consumer mobile app or a backend business application. This is an important stage where we come to a final agreement on what will be placed on each page for the User to access.



After the wireframes for all pages have been finalized, our design team takes over to create the final appearance and functionality of the application. This is an exciting stage of the project where you can see the entire application come to life. We will provide you with clickable versions to fully experience everything the user goes through before we begin coding.



With the wireframes and designs finalized, we begin coding the application to make it functional. As an Agile development shop, we break down the project into baskets of features called Sprints. This approach allows our customers to regularly review the progress of their software development process and provide feedback at the end of each Sprint. We value your input and involvement throughout the entire development process.



The testing process for mobile and software applications is a crucial step in ensuring that the product is functional, reliable, and user-friendly. Typically, the process involves several stages, where various techniques and tools are employed to identify defects, bugs, and usability issues. The goal is to detect and correct any issues before the application is released to the public, ultimately improving the user experience and ensuring the success of the product.



After the application is completed, approved by our internal QA, project management and the client – we are ready to deploy the code to its final destination. Hosting options vary from client-owned servers to web or cloud hosting. We guide clients through the options and handle the final stages.

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Real Estate.


Got a Question?

We might have the answer...

I have an app idea. Where do I start?

Start with a conversation! Give us a call and we can answer any questions you have and recommend next steps.

Can I get a ballpark quote?

Absolutely - with over 15 years’ experience in building applications of all types and sizes, we will review your requirements and provide as narrow a ballpark as possible. Unlike other agencies that don’t always stay within their initial ballpark quote range, Essential Designs guarantees our final quote will fall within our original ballpark.

Can I get a fixed price quote?

Yes! Assuming our ballpark quote works for you, we’ll then move on to a full itemized breakdown of all tasks and features of your project and ultimately provide a detailed proposal and fixed price budget to ensure you have cost-certainty throughout the project.

What kind of information do I need to provide to get a quote?

Our Scope Document Builder is a great guideline in terms of the info we need to quote a project. Or just give us a call and we’ll ask the questions!

What’s the difference between a mobile app and a web app?

A mobile application is designed specifically for use on touch screen devices like iPhones or tablets. Typically mobile applications are developed for both Apple iOS devices (iPhones, iPads) and Android devices (Samsung galaxy, Google Pixel) simultaneously. A web application is designed for use on a traditional computer monitor or laptop screen, and is accessed through a web browser.

When my project is completed, do I own the code?

Yes. The source code and intellectual property belong to you when the project is completed. Most of our clients stay with us for post-deployment support and maintenance, but we are happy to deploy your code to any home of your choosing.

What programming languages do you use?

We leverage open source languages wherever possible with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for front-end web apps, and JavaScript or PHP on the back end. For mobile apps, we can use native (Swift for iOS, Java for Android) or hybrid (React Native, Ionic) code, depending on the project’s specific needs and budget. Other technologies we support include Microsoft Asure, Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Laravel, React, SQL, and more.

Still wondering about something?

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Technical Experts

We are expert coders in a variety of languages.