Leveraging Terraform for Robust Application Security
Explore how the deployment tool Terraform can contribute to enhanced app security by implementing strong security practices and guidelines.
Essential Designs Team
April 19, 2024
Terraform, a HashiCorp-developed Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) deployment tool, is a common element in many DevOps tech stacks. Though not directly linked to app security, when used wisely, Terraform plays a key part in the application of security best practices. With the DevOps scene evolving into DevSecOps, and with the ongoing threat of supply chain attacks penetrating corporate systems, the need to make secure use of Terraform has never been more critical.
Here are some ways how effective use of Terraform can enhance app security:
Implementing Security with Open Policy Agent (OPA)
Integrating the Open Policy Agent (OPA) to write security policies as code is one way to boost app security using Terraform. OPA runs these programmed policies, providing Terraform with the ability to assess infrastructure configurations from a security perspective.
It verifies Terraform plans during the development cycle to spot any security configuration errors, particularly near the deployment stage. This approach prevents any infrastructure not yet deemed secure from being provisioned. It is a proactive step towards strengthening app security, shifting the security stance of organizations to the left, and facilitating the consistent and automatic enforcement of security policies.
Establishing Secure Looping with Terraform
Looping in Terraform allows for the automatic generation of several modules or resources. While looping doesn’t directly affect app security, the way it is implemented can have serious implications. Thus, handling looping securely, like not storing sensitive data in a "for_each" loop and ensuring that error-free iteration over intended data structures, supports secure app functioning.
Aligning with Cloud Security Best Practices
Terraform is mostly used with multi-cloud and hybrid environments, and aligning Terraform security with recommended security protocols by cloud service providers and security experts is vital. These include adhering to CIS benchmarks, emphasizing configuration hardening, and focusing on module security.
CIS benchmarks present a series of best practice guidelines by the Center for Internet Security, which not only fortifies underlying cloud infrastructure but also extends more robust app security. Configuration hardening is about attaining an optimal infrastructure setup that minimizes security issues, and Terraform can be configured to ensure these best practices are automatically implemented. Terraform modules, on the other hand, help to embed security protocols into the application environment, ensuring better app security.
Reducing Sensitive Data Exposure
Terraform provides a sensitive data management feature that helps reduce the potential exposure of app credentials present in the IaC code. Meanwhile, Terraform's data management capabilities improve overall data security compliance and audit procedures by supporting the use of environment variables.
While Terraform doesn't directly protect apps, its secure use can fortify the foundations of app security by identifying and addressing configuration errors, implementing robust security policies, and managing sensitive data effectively. All these efforts contribute to a more resilient app security landscape.