Digital Transformation + Mobile Apps = Success Stories

Looking to improve customer experiences and employee productivity? More and more companies are turning to digital transformation, with 70% of participating organizations reporting an official transformation strategy or working to put one in place. In this article, we explore digital transformation for mobile devices and its benefits for organizations. By applying digital transformation to mobile apps, businesses can automate manual processes and deliver information on any smart device, all while enhancing customer loyalty and generating new audiences. Learn more about how to launch transformed mobile applications and create a more flexible and agile enterprise by partnering with a mobile app development service like Essential Designs. Contact us today to see how we can help launch mobile digital transformation for your organization.

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September 1, 2022

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More companies are finding digital transformation necessary to meet the needs of clients and employees. In one survey, 70% of participating organizations said they had an official transformation strategy or were working to put one in place. This article discusses digital transformation for mobile devices and the benefits it brings to organizations.

What Is Digital Transformation?

Leaders sometimes define digital transformation in terms of using more technology. While technological innovation is certainly a part of digital transformation, it’s not the main point. Digital transformation aims to improve the customer experience and help employees work more productively. Additionally, it prioritizes changes that support decision-making with value-added knowledge.Digital transformation should challenge the status quo and encourage organizations to experiment and learn from their mistakes. You don't have to integrate digital solutions into every aspect of the business. However, it can fundamentally change how you deliver value to customers. Nowhere is that truer than innovating your use of mobile apps.

What Role Does Digital Transformation Play in Mobile Apps?

Most people want to access information, shop, and do just about everything else on their smart devices. The advance of the mobile internet has changed many marketing segments and created completely new ones. When you apply digital transformation to mobile apps, you increase the chances that your services and products will get in front of new audiences.For the most part, what happens on the mobile platform now sets the standard for other digital channels. It used to be the other way around. However, to shape customer expectations, you’ll have to embrace this new reality.If you focus on providing great customer experiences on mobile platforms, you can still get an easy win over competitors who haven't made this a priority. The truth is digital transformation initiatives have a huge impact on your customers and your employees.So, how can you launch transformed mobile applications in your organization? Partner with a mobile app development service to connect customers and employers to data and core systems, such as emails and text messages, even if they aren’t at their desks. Enterprise software that works on tablets and phones as well as laptops gives your leaders and key employees immediate, secure access to data they need to make decisions. Does your competition already have this capability?

What Are the Critical Benefits of Digital Transformation?

Mobile digital transformation makes it possible to automate manual processes and deliver information on any smart device. So, if your employees are on their lunch break or traveling for business, they still have access to reports and other information that is easy to read and review.Customers also benefit from mobile digital transformation. Integrated software that supports omnichannel access to orders and product information generates customer loyalty and prevents your customers from choosing a competitor with better mobile tools.Your leaders will also benefit from mobile digital transformation. To make data-driven decisions, they need software that gives them visibility into all aspects of the business. Your C-suite and mid-level managers are probably already clamoring for more options to use their phones to get work done and access information needed to make the right decisions.

Do Your Customers and Employees Want Greater Flexibility and Agility?

To introduce greater flexibility and agility across the enterprise, you need to understand digital trends your competitors already have. Additionally, expert developers can show you how to create apps that allow you to do more without sacrificing security.If you want to keep everyone on the same page, you also need mobile apps that work on IOS and Android. At Essential Designs, we specialize in mobile and other tools that give your customers and employees consistent experiences no matter what device they're using.Contact us today to discuss how to develop an app that will launch mobile digital transformation for your organization.

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Essential Designs Team

September 1, 2022

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